专家说的8个清洁误区. 值得一读.


误解1 / 8:水显然比溶剂“便宜”.

普通的城市用水不能清洗任何东西. It needs surfactants and detergents that lower surface tension and remove soils. 这些在清洁过程中消耗,需要补充. 需要更高的温度来激活清洁化学物质, which is important for ensuring good wetting and evaporation after rinsing, 但是这会消耗能量. 此外,水清洗系统需要冲洗和干燥装置.

相比之下, 溶剂 cleaning system uses significantly less energy for heating and drying. It occupies less space for an equivalent throughput and being less complex and needs less maintenance. 此外,溶剂通常被回收和循环利用. So, while a gallon of 溶剂 cleaner may cost more than the same amount of aqueous cleaner, a 溶剂 cleaning process has lower energy costs and consumes no water. The maintenance spend is lower and being smaller, the process may carry lower overheads.


First, let’s be clear that “critical cleaning” has a very specific meaning. It refers to the removal of sub-micron particles and non-volatile residues. It’s required when any surface contamination would yield adverse effects. 虽然许多过程和产品可能符合条件, 该术语特别用于医疗设备.

其次,这种说法是错误的. 该系统可用于关键清洗. 然而,表面张力-润湿-是一个关键的考虑因素. The cleaner must penetrate every aspect of the part being cleaned. 而溶剂本质上是优越的, with appropriate surfactants aqueous cleaners can perform as well. 然而,水性清洁剂会在表面留下残留物. This makes rinsing and drying critical steps in aqueous critical cleaning. 但如果表面能被证明是干净的, 达到商定的水平, 在一致和可重复的基础上, 可以使用水性清洁剂.

误解3 / 8:水清洗总是比溶剂“更安全”.

There’s a misapprehension that “水清洗” refers to cleaning with water. 当涉及到水时, 在适当的情况下可以是溶剂, 在含水清洗系统中,水中含有添加剂. 它们有几个功能, 如降低表面张力, 创建螯合, (金属的提炼,)修改pH值和皂化, 将脂肪转化为脂肪的盐.) These additives, especially those strongly acidic or alkaline, can pose health hazards. Before assuming aqueous cleaning is safer, check the SDS to find out what’s being used.

溶剂也需要仔细观察. 有些会释放挥发性有机化合物,尤其是在干燥过程中. Some give off strong or unpleasant odors, and some may be hazardous. There’s also the question of flammability: some are, and others aren’t. But it’s a generalization to say that aqueous is always safer than 溶剂.

误解4 / 8:溶剂都是坏的!

“有偿付能力”是一个非常宽泛的术语. Any substance that will dissolve another is, technically, a 溶剂, and that includes water. 然而, in popular parlance, “溶剂” often refers to chemicals that will dissolve oil and grease. 例如丙酮、异丙醇、乙醇和乙酸丁酯. If these names appear familiar it’s because they are widely used and available. 虽然气味和可燃性可能是一个问题, providing usage recommendations are followed there is no reason to avoid them.
有些溶剂是过去常用的, 三氯乙烯就是一个很好的例子, 现在都知道对健康有害吗. 一些挥发性有机化合物释放溶剂也有相关的危害, 同样的, CFCs and HCFCs are bad for the environment and consequently are being phased out. 但说所有溶剂都不好是不正确的. 的关键 is to read the SDS and understand what’s in it and the risks, if any.

还要考虑溶剂清洗设备的使用年限. Modern units are engineered to minimize and mitigate any release that may occur and so don’t have the emission problems of older cleaners.

不要忽视一些水性清洁剂的危害. Anything acidic or caustic could present health risks, so the same advice applies read the SDS. 还有一点需要考虑:处理. 水性清洁剂需要妥善处理. 大多数不能就这样被排进下水道.

Myth 5 of 8: Solvents will all be banned through government regulation.

It’s true that for some classes of 溶剂s their use either has been or is in the process of being phased out. 然而, 许多其他的仍然被允许, although in some cases there are regulations regarding aspects of usage like ventilation. 在一般情况下, authorities like the EPA take the view that 溶剂s used today will not be prohibited until equally effective and affordable, 但是更良性, 版本出现.

有些溶剂是过去常用的 have created environmental problems. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are two obvious examples. Use of these is governed by the Montreal and Kyoto protocols and they will disappear in due course. 同样的, 溶剂s like trichloroethylene (TCE) are strictly regulated and again disappearing. 挥发性有机化合物, (VOC’s) are problematic and regulations regarding their use may tighten in future. 但是完全禁止? 除非有负担得起的替代品. 了解更多.

Myth 6 of 8: Solvent cleaning is always the most efficient process.

溶剂是非常有效的清洁剂,在正确的应用. 要考虑的要点是, 正在清洗的是什么?, 被清洗的是什么, 清洗它是为了什么? Solvents are highly effective for dissolving oils and their low surface tension enables good penetration and evaporation. Solvent cleaning can often be a less expensive process than aqueous cleaning. 除了, 溶剂s that dry quickly help keep work flowing through a factory while avoiding inventory build-up and the need for storage space.

然而, aqueous cleaning solutions work by a combination of solubilization, 皂化, 乳化和螯合. 更简单, 有各种各样的泥土或土壤类型, such as triglycerides (fats) that are removed better by water-based processes. 除了, 水清洗可以解决表面氧化问题, 像生锈一样, 失去光泽和鳞屑, 这种溶剂清洗不掉.

在做出承诺之前 溶剂 或者水清洗, discuss your goals and objectives with specialists who understand the pros and cons of both. 他们的建议可能会让你大吃一惊!

迷思7 / 8:市场由水性清洗剂主导

与溶剂清洗相比, 水溶液仍然是新来者, 尽管它已经使用了20年. 使用水清洗无疑是在上升, 但说它主导了市场是不正确的. Precision cleaning in particular, is a sector where 溶剂 cleaning dominates.
的关键, 在选择清洁方法时, is to take a holistic view and consider all aspects of the cleaning process. Do not just assume that because one is growing it’s the best approach for your business.


化学反应当然很重要. The 溶剂 or aqueous cleaner must be compatible with the soil or contamination you want to remove, 但实际情况比这更复杂. Consider also the material to be cleaned: some cleaners will damage some surfaces. 然后是期望的清洁程度. Or to put this another way, why is the part or surface being cleaned?

组件几何是另一个因素. With their lower surface tension 溶剂s are generally more effective than aqueous cleaners in tight spaces and small holes. 一个额外的好处是它们也会干得更快.

溶剂清洗系统有, 在一般情况下, 比水处理更便宜, 占用更少的空间. 由于零件清洗后不需要大量的干燥时间, 溶剂 systems can work well in medium to high volume production environments where throughput is a consideration.

底线是, 是的,化学很重要, 但是许多其他因素决定了正确的清洁过程.












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