
Finishing the Hard to Finish

最常见的腐蚀类型——大气腐蚀——发生在金属表面暴露于氧气和湿气中,然后引起化学反应,产生氧化铁或铁锈. For a metal finisher rust is a problem with real consequences. Here we are talking to Larry Ensley, Director of Technical Applications and sharing ideas on how to address it.

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What are some ways to reduce corrosion from occurring?
The most common method to prevent corrosion is to apply rust preventatives. 还有其他类型的预防措施,如喷漆或电镀,但防腐蚀或防锈是防止金属部件表面腐蚀的最经济和最简单的方法.

Are there different types of rust preventatives?
We typically identify those as classes of rust preventatives. 第一类是水置换产品,其工作原理是将零件表面的水置换掉,并留下一层薄薄的保护膜. 另一种是可溶油或乳化油,它将水和油混合形成乳液. These are typically used where high flash applications are needed, they are more economical and cheaper to buy upfront, 但它们的防腐效果通常不如水替代产品. Another class would be temporary rust inhibitors; where the other products last months or years, 使用临时防锈剂,你可以获得数小时到数天的防锈效果. These are very good because, in a production atmosphere, you want to protect a newly produced part prior to painting or plating, but you don’t want to contaminate your paint or plating lines with oil. 因此,这些产品很容易去除,并用于油漆和电镀之前的应用. The next type is dry film type products such as waxes and lacquers; the waxes are typically used where you need torque reduction or some minor rust inhibition, 上漆是为了美观,你不希望产品不仅在包装上脱落,而且在顾客的手上脱落.

What are different ways that corrosion prevention treatments can be applied?
Typically, the most efficient method is immersion. However, rust preventatives can be applied via spray, brush, or a sponge. I’ve seen them applied in many different ways, but the most efficient method to apply a rust preventative is immersion; it ensures 100% coverage on the surface of the part.

What is flash rust?
生锈通常被认为是在几个月或几年的时间里缓慢发生的事情. 闪锈就像它听起来的那样:发生得非常快,几小时到几天甚至几分钟. 这是因为金属表面在水或湿气和氧气的存在下非常活跃. 对于解决他们遇到的腐蚀问题,你会给装修商什么建议, and where would they start? If I were talking to a finisher who was new to this, the first thing I would tell this person is, according to the National Association of Certified Engineers. The U.S. typically spends around $17.5 billion dollars a year on corrosion. So, 我要告诉他们的第一件事是检查他们的工艺,确保他们在整个过程中都得到了防腐保护, 这包括后续操作(如喷漆或电镀)之前的过程, and all the way to the end user’s need. 我们需要在整个电路板上进行防锈保护,这样你就不必回去重新制造了, reprocess, rework or even scrap parts.

What recent developments has Hubbard-Hall made to combat some of these corrosion and rust issues?
There are three products that really come to mind. Our product line is called Metal Guard®, and the
每个客户问的第一件事是:你最好的防锈剂是什么? What gives you the most rust protection? We recently developed a product called Metal Guard® 560, and it gives you
two times the rust protection of your typical long-term rust prevention. This is measured in salt spray hours; most customers are very familiar with the ASTM B117 corrosion exposure, and 100 hours is an industry standard. We are getting double that, over 200 hours of corrosion protection with the Metal Guard® 560, and seeing good success with it in the industry. We want to do more with less; we want to use less product — if possible — and get as good or better protection. We’re doing this with a soluble oil called Metal Guard® 320, and instead of using it at 10% by volume, 我们可以将浓度减少一半,并且仍然比大多数人用10%的溶液得到更好的腐蚀效果. This allows customers to use less product and get better protection. Another more sustainable product line is called Metal Guard® 700; it’s a long-term water-based product that is designed to be used as received. 它提供与许多溶剂型产品相同的保护,而且它是环保的. 它是基于环保的原材料,所以它是一个更可持续的产品.

What is Metal Guard®?
Metal Guard®是hubard - hall的腐蚀防锈系列产品, and it is designed to
prevent corrosion on metal surfaces. We have several different classes: water displacing, water-soluble, temporary rust inhibitors, or lacquers and waxes.

How does Metal Guard® work?
Metal Guard®通过在金属部件表面施加保护膜屏障来工作. Typically, the
rust preventative is dissolved in a carrier such as mineral spirits or water. The part is immersed in MetalGuard®, and when the part is pulled out, 载体蒸发——水或矿物油——它在零件表面留下这层薄膜屏障,并提供保护,使其不暴露于氧气和水.

Are there different types of Metal Guard®?
part and leave the rust preventative behind; these are typically solvent-based products. There are watersoluble products that are emulsified oils; these are typically your more economical versions and give higher flash points but less rust protection than your solvent-based products. And then, we have the water based or temporary Metal Guard® products, 哪些设计用于过程中,并且在油漆或电镀之前很容易去除,这样您就不会污染清洁线. We also have our waxes and lacquers, 我们有哪些干膜产品是为了提高扭矩减少和减少摩擦系数而设计的如果我们说的是蜡, 漆的设计是为了给零件提供干膜防锈保护,使其美观.

How is Metal Guard® applied?
Metal Guard® can be applied either spray, brush, or immersion. The most typical — and most efficient
Once it’s removed from the rust preventative, the carrier evaporates, and it leaves that thin-film rust
protection that can protect it from exposure to moisture and oxygen.


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