Changing Your Parts Cleaning Process to Meet New EPA Rules

在整理中可以看到 & 涂层,2024年2月19日
Written by Tim Pennington, Editor in Chief, Finishing & 涂层

与美国.S. EPA proposing to ban all uses of trichloroethylene in cleaning 和 vapor degreasing, many finishers wonder what alternatives they may have. 这一行动, taken under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 会禁止生产TCE吗, 处理, 以及各种用途的分布. 我们采访了杰夫·戴维斯, Senior Vice President of Business Development 和 Distribution for Hubbard-Hall, 关于这些变化将如何影响未来几年的加工,以及他们可以做些什么来取代他们正在消失的工艺.


杰夫 戴维斯: 我一开始打算把我们在所有不同溶剂上看到的更新都讲一遍, 是否被氯化, 氟化, 溴化, 以及目前的情况. 但我认为最近发生的事情是我们有环保局局长宣布对三氯乙烯, 或吨标煤, there was going to be a comment period in trying to curb the amount of usage, 尽可能消除在消费和工业应用中使用三氯乙烯. 最近, 环保署通过了一项计划,在所有应用中无一例外地消除三氯乙烯. 现在, 他们表示,他们通常会给人们一年的时间来更换其他产品或消除三氯乙烯的使用. But there will be some industrial, 商业, 联邦政府的申请——无论是军事还是类似的——与电动汽车或其他任何可能需要很长时间才能做出改变的东西有关. 我认为这将是他们会继续对一些溶剂施加越来越大的压力, 三氯乙烯是最近更新和淘汰的一种, 如果你愿意, that we’ve seen in the last probably two or three years.

TP: This is something that everybody expected. 我知道你们一直在努力教育人们如何丢掉他们一直在使用的一些东西.

杰夫 戴维斯: 2016年的《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》确定了10种潜在的危险化学品. 其中最值得注意的是将氯化溶剂分类为三氯乙烯、过氯乙烯或PCE和二氯甲烷或MEC. 那些, along with N-Propyl bromide or 1-Bromyl propane, which is a 溴化 solvent in the same family as the chlorides, are all under EPA’s evaluation of what they call unreasonable risk to human health. That’s typically been the purview of OSHA. 现在我们看到OSHA总是在8小时时间加权平均时间内规范工人的安全. 现在 the EPA is saying these solvents are an unreasonable risk to human health. So, 他们提出了所谓的八小时以上现有化学物质暴露限值, 和 they’re significantly reduced from where they have been from OSHA, 谁将领导美国工业卫生学家会议的暴露水平. 所以历史上, 例如, 接触八小时三氯乙烯的最新阈值是百万分之25. The EPA’s ECEL brings it down to 0.004 parts per million, which is almost unattainable. 我们会看到这四种溴化或氯化溶剂的分类是相似的. 我们所看到的可能是在不久的将来,在开盖脱脂剂中使用这些化学物质将被淘汰. That means there’s a larger air solvent interface; even if they’ve got refrigeration, 可编程的起重机, 或者自动闭包, those are not emissions or airless machines, so they are exposed to the environment. I don’t see how they will achieve any of those thresholds in any equipment, 坦白说, 包括敞篷的.


EPA Accelerating Cleaning Changes
TP: You mentioned OSHA, EPA, 和 a couple of other groups 和 regulations. 他们有时会以不同的方式行动,但看起来环保局确实加速了这一行动.

杰夫 戴维斯: 这对我们都不陌生. 我认为在过去的三四十年间,我们一直在为不同溶剂的变化做准备, 和 the equipment has improved considerably in the last 20 years. 话虽如此, there are alternatives to some of these solvents, 我们一直在敦促我们的客户时刻保持警惕,并测试和试用不同的溶剂,你可能会把它们放入机器中. 你可能需要改造, 或者你可能需要购买新的无排放脱脂剂,因为这些固体的接触非常有限.

TP: hubard - hall已经做了很多工作来让制造商和行业为此做好准备, so it seems like it’s getting closer every month. 如果制造商和商店面临这种情况,你会建议他们做些什么? 当然,如果他们还没有开始寻找替代方案,他们能开始做什么呢?

杰夫 戴维斯: 这很有趣,因为我首先建议人们不要把头埋在沙子里. It won’t go away, so let’s address it head-on. We’ve been providing some assistance for customers for several years, 最近, we recommend that they have a cleaning audit, 如果你愿意, 或者是脱脂审计. 让我们看看. Do you need that solvent you’re currently using? 还有其他选择吗?? I would say 90% of the time, there are suitable alternatives. 这是有权衡的, 然而, 潜在的清洁问题, 处理时间, 和, 很明显, 经济的权衡. 有一些新溶剂的价值——设计溶剂——是氟碳化合物与其他氯化固体的混合物. Work extremely well in certain machinery with certain substrates 和 certain soils. 我的意思是, there are always those caveats; don’t go it alone, 这是我想说的吗, 和 don’t ignore the fact that it’s not going to come knocking at your door soon, 我们已经准备好了, 愿意, 和 able to try to help our customers get to that next step. 无论是设备还是溶剂,甚至是水基清洗,我们目前建议我们的许多客户寻找一些替代方案,以提供工业和合适的清洁方案.


TP: I know you’ve all been very busy working with end users 和 other manufacturers, 和 so you’ve probably seen what the substrates are, 污染物是什么?, 和 you pretty much have worked up a solution that would work for many people. So, 这可能是一种你们都已经处理过的交钥匙解决方案. If someone calls 和 tells you this is the substrate, 这是污染, you’ve probably already seen that.
杰夫 戴维斯: 我们已经见过很多了, 和 there are more exotic soils potentially, or there are more dem和s on cleanliness. If you’re looking at precision cleaning applications —medical, 军事, 航空, or aerospace — there will always be some challenge. But I think the availability of new equipment tends to slow people down. 想要迅速替换掉战场上成千上万的脱脂剂是很困难的, 和 I think it will be the cost of some of the alternatives. So, that 很明显 will slow people down; I don’t want to put a new solvent in an old machine if it won’t be as efficient. 这是我们试图为客户衡量的指标之一:我们能清理它吗? 我们能确保它是可持续的吗? And the beautiful thing about solvents is they’re infinitely recyclable, meaning you don’t have to introduce water. 这是一种, 只要你用稳定剂维持溶剂和测试设备, you can use relatively for years without replacing the solvent.
Look for Cleaning Alternatives 现在

TP: A shop owner told me about replacing or upgrading, “The most effective piece of equipment is a pen 和 paper,” meaning it’s best to jot down what he’d like to do 和 figure out some costs. 他可以弄清楚哪些东西花费了他的钱,以及他可以在哪些地方省钱或通过花钱来节省额外的钱,因为他知道这些投资将获得良好的回报. Is that what you see in many customers you’re dealing with?
杰夫 戴维斯: 这是一个很好的观点. I think people always underestimate what they’re going to need. 几年来,我们一直在努力提倡,你需要考虑其他选择. But people think, “If it’s not broken, why fix it?” But there are outside forces now, 和 they’re dem和ing you look at alternative chemistry for whatever reason, whether it’s solvents or you can’t dispose of waste, 不管是什么问题. But when we talk to many customers, it seems we provide may be the eye-opening piece of bad news, 如果你愿意: we’re trying to give them a reality that here are your alternatives, none of which may be attractive because they hadn’t budgeted for it. 就像你说的, 这要花很多钱, but it could help through the long term because you won’t use as many resources, or the machinery will last for decades. The problem is that once we have broached that subject, 把它挂在电话上, 告诉他们真相, 他们去, 和 some customers will shut down because it’s too overwhelming. And then two to three years later, 他们想去重新审视它,就像我们之前说的,问我需要多长时间才能把设备安置到位. How long is it going to take to modify my process? It becomes an overwhelming prospect. 所以,我认为你是对的,坐下来,试着在纸和笔上计划你今天的需求. What they’re going to be in the future is, 我总是建议, 与你的供应商分享,因为他们可以帮助你及时到达那个点, 和 you can make those investments.







节选:结尾部分 & 涂层,2024年2月19日 Written by Tim Pennington, Editor in Chief, Finishing & 涂层 与美国.S. EPA proposing to ban all uses of trichloroethylene in cleaning 和 vapor degreasing, many finishers wonder what alternatives they may have.这一行动, taken under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 会禁止生产TCE吗, 处理, 以及各种用途的分布. 我们采访了杰夫·戴维斯, Senior Vice President of Business Development 和 Distribution for Hubbard-Hall, 关于这些变化将如何影响未来几年的加工,以及他们可以做些什么来取代他们正在消失的工艺.


在整理中可以看到 & 涂层,2024年2月19日
Written by Tim Pennington, Editor in Chief, Finishing & 涂层

与美国.S. EPA proposing to ban all uses of trichloroethylene in cleaning 和 vapor degreasing, many finishers wonder what alternatives they may have. 这一行动, taken under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 会禁止生产TCE吗, 处理, 以及各种用途的分布. 我们采访了杰夫·戴维斯, Senior Vice President of Business Development 和 Distribution for Hubbard-Hall, 关于这些变化将如何影响未来几年的加工,以及他们可以做些什么来取代他们正在消失的工艺.


杰夫 戴维斯: 我一开始打算把我们在所有不同溶剂上看到的更新都讲一遍, 是否被氯化, 氟化, 溴化, 以及目前的情况. 但我认为最近发生的事情是我们有环保局局长宣布对三氯乙烯, 或吨标煤, there was going to be a comment period in trying to curb the amount of usage, 尽可能消除在消费和工业应用中使用三氯乙烯. 最近, 环保署通过了一项计划,在所有应用中无一例外地消除三氯乙烯. 现在, 他们表示,他们通常会给人们一年的时间来更换其他产品或消除三氯乙烯的使用. But there will be some industrial, 商业, 联邦政府的申请——无论是军事还是类似的——与电动汽车或其他任何可能需要很长时间才能做出改变的东西有关. 我认为这将是他们会继续对一些溶剂施加越来越大的压力, 三氯乙烯是最近更新和淘汰的一种, 如果你愿意, that we’ve seen in the last probably two or three years.

TP: This is something that everybody expected. 我知道你们一直在努力教育人们如何丢掉他们一直在使用的一些东西.

杰夫 戴维斯: 2016年的《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》确定了10种潜在的危险化学品. 其中最值得注意的是将氯化溶剂分类为三氯乙烯、过氯乙烯或PCE和二氯甲烷或MEC. 那些, along with N-Propyl bromide or 1-Bromyl propane, which is a 溴化 solvent in the same family as the chlorides, are all under EPA’s evaluation of what they call unreasonable risk to human health. That’s typically been the purview of OSHA. 现在我们看到OSHA总是在8小时时间加权平均时间内规范工人的安全. 现在 the EPA is saying these solvents are an unreasonable risk to human health. So, 他们提出了所谓的八小时以上现有化学物质暴露限值, 和 they’re significantly reduced from where they have been from OSHA, 谁将领导美国工业卫生学家会议的暴露水平. 所以历史上, 例如, 接触八小时三氯乙烯的最新阈值是百万分之25. The EPA’s ECEL brings it down to 0.004 parts per million, which is almost unattainable. 我们会看到这四种溴化或氯化溶剂的分类是相似的. 我们所看到的可能是在不久的将来,在开盖脱脂剂中使用这些化学物质将被淘汰. That means there’s a larger air solvent interface; even if they’ve got refrigeration, 可编程的起重机, 或者自动闭包, those are not emissions or airless machines, so they are exposed to the environment. I don’t see how they will achieve any of those thresholds in any equipment, 坦白说, 包括敞篷的.


EPA Accelerating Cleaning Changes
TP: You mentioned OSHA, EPA, 和 a couple of other groups 和 regulations. 他们有时会以不同的方式行动,但看起来环保局确实加速了这一行动.

杰夫 戴维斯: 这对我们都不陌生. 我认为在过去的三四十年间,我们一直在为不同溶剂的变化做准备, 和 the equipment has improved considerably in the last 20 years. 话虽如此, there are alternatives to some of these solvents, 我们一直在敦促我们的客户时刻保持警惕,并测试和试用不同的溶剂,你可能会把它们放入机器中. 你可能需要改造, 或者你可能需要购买新的无排放脱脂剂,因为这些固体的接触非常有限.

TP: hubard - hall已经做了很多工作来让制造商和行业为此做好准备, so it seems like it’s getting closer every month. 如果制造商和商店面临这种情况,你会建议他们做些什么? 当然,如果他们还没有开始寻找替代方案,他们能开始做什么呢?

杰夫 戴维斯: 这很有趣,因为我首先建议人们不要把头埋在沙子里. It won’t go away, so let’s address it head-on. We’ve been providing some assistance for customers for several years, 最近, we recommend that they have a cleaning audit, 如果你愿意, 或者是脱脂审计. 让我们看看. Do you need that solvent you’re currently using? 还有其他选择吗?? I would say 90% of the time, there are suitable alternatives. 这是有权衡的, 然而, 潜在的清洁问题, 处理时间, 和, 很明显, 经济的权衡. 有一些新溶剂的价值——设计溶剂——是氟碳化合物与其他氯化固体的混合物. Work extremely well in certain machinery with certain substrates 和 certain soils. 我的意思是, there are always those caveats; don’t go it alone, 这是我想说的吗, 和 don’t ignore the fact that it’s not going to come knocking at your door soon, 我们已经准备好了, 愿意, 和 able to try to help our customers get to that next step. 无论是设备还是溶剂,甚至是水基清洗,我们目前建议我们的许多客户寻找一些替代方案,以提供工业和合适的清洁方案.


TP: I know you’ve all been very busy working with end users 和 other manufacturers, 和 so you’ve probably seen what the substrates are, 污染物是什么?, 和 you pretty much have worked up a solution that would work for many people. So, 这可能是一种你们都已经处理过的交钥匙解决方案. If someone calls 和 tells you this is the substrate, 这是污染, you’ve probably already seen that.
杰夫 戴维斯: 我们已经见过很多了, 和 there are more exotic soils potentially, or there are more dem和s on cleanliness. If you’re looking at precision cleaning applications —medical, 军事, 航空, or aerospace — there will always be some challenge. But I think the availability of new equipment tends to slow people down. 想要迅速替换掉战场上成千上万的脱脂剂是很困难的, 和 I think it will be the cost of some of the alternatives. So, that 很明显 will slow people down; I don’t want to put a new solvent in an old machine if it won’t be as efficient. 这是我们试图为客户衡量的指标之一:我们能清理它吗? 我们能确保它是可持续的吗? And the beautiful thing about solvents is they’re infinitely recyclable, meaning you don’t have to introduce water. 这是一种, 只要你用稳定剂维持溶剂和测试设备, you can use relatively for years without replacing the solvent.
Look for Cleaning Alternatives 现在

TP: A shop owner told me about replacing or upgrading, “The most effective piece of equipment is a pen 和 paper,” meaning it’s best to jot down what he’d like to do 和 figure out some costs. 他可以弄清楚哪些东西花费了他的钱,以及他可以在哪些地方省钱或通过花钱来节省额外的钱,因为他知道这些投资将获得良好的回报. Is that what you see in many customers you’re dealing with?
杰夫 戴维斯: 这是一个很好的观点. I think people always underestimate what they’re going to need. 几年来,我们一直在努力提倡,你需要考虑其他选择. But people think, “If it’s not broken, why fix it?” But there are outside forces now, 和 they’re dem和ing you look at alternative chemistry for whatever reason, whether it’s solvents or you can’t dispose of waste, 不管是什么问题. But when we talk to many customers, it seems we provide may be the eye-opening piece of bad news, 如果你愿意: we’re trying to give them a reality that here are your alternatives, none of which may be attractive because they hadn’t budgeted for it. 就像你说的, 这要花很多钱, but it could help through the long term because you won’t use as many resources, or the machinery will last for decades. The problem is that once we have broached that subject, 把它挂在电话上, 告诉他们真相, 他们去, 和 some customers will shut down because it’s too overwhelming. And then two to three years later, 他们想去重新审视它,就像我们之前说的,问我需要多长时间才能把设备安置到位. How long is it going to take to modify my process? It becomes an overwhelming prospect. 所以,我认为你是对的,坐下来,试着在纸和笔上计划你今天的需求. What they’re going to be in the future is, 我总是建议, 与你的供应商分享,因为他们可以帮助你及时到达那个点, 和 you can make those investments.
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