Why Switch from Vapor Degreasing Solvents to Vacuum Assisted 水清洗

如http://jaycoclean所示./ / 2024年2月

工业清洁的前景正在迅速变化, with increasing EPA regulations on solvents and a growing need for manufacturers to find alternative cleaning methods. Here is what parts cleaning experts Jeff Beard (Product and Business Development Manager for Jayco Cleaning Technologies) and Mike Valenti (Director of Cleaning Technologies for 哈伯德大厅) recommend you consider when looking at 蒸汽脱脂溶剂替代品.



When it comes to transitioning from solvent degreasing to aqueous cleaning, it’s crucial to understand that chemistry and equipment go hand in hand. Mike Valenti解释道, “有些问题我们可以用化学反应来解决, but the chemistry itself can’t compensate for all the properties you need to clean with aqueous solutions. 所以设备是你需要的等式的另一边, because you need different types of equipment to get the same result you’re getting with solvent in a degreaser today.”

Jeff Beard adds, “The chemistry and equipment today have to work together. 这是我们作为供应商的责任, 我们两家公司, to provide that knowledge and information to customers so that they understand why is this chemistry the best for my materials compatibility as well as soil removal? And then how is it going to operate in this washer that I’m looking at?”


Jayco的 转篮零件垫圈 is a prime example of the advancements in aqueous precision cleaning technology. 杰夫·比尔德解释道, “These systems today really are taking a lot of the standard technology that’s been used in equipment and combining it all into one system. 所以在一个系统内, 我们会喷, 我们确实有洪水, 我们用超声波浸泡或不浸泡, and then we add vacuum to that which we can use to enhance the cleaning and rinsing process as well as vacuum drying.”

This comprehensive system allows for effective cleaning of a broad range of soils, 包括3D打印部件. The vacuum component of the washer ensures a thorough cleaning process that surpasses the capabilities of standard immersion or spray washers.


When it comes to pairing chemistry with Jayco的 equipment, 哈伯德大厅 offers a range of 水性清洗液. Mike Valenti explains the criteria they consider when formulating these cleaners: “We want to put chemistry in there that’s got low hazards that can clean all metal types safely without attack. 我们希望能够分离土壤, so we want chemistries that help remove the soils from the cleaner bath. And because we are now counting on a lot more mechanical action to do the cleaning spray, 超声学, 洪水, 我们必须采用低泡沫型材.”

哈伯德大厅’s goal is to provide environmentally safe cleaners that are safe for workers and compatible with all metal types. 他们还优先考虑容易冲洗和无残留物的部分, particularly in industries like medical applications where residue can be detrimental.

水清洗vs. 蒸汽脱脂溶剂替代品

One of the key advantages of aqueous cleaning is its long-term viability compared to solvent alternatives. Mike Valenti highlights the uncertainty surrounding solvent regulations: “The day they ban water, 我们都有麻烦了. 所以当客户询问和打电话时,我们会告诉他们, 他们说, ‘Can you guarantee me that if I switch to an azeotrope solvent or a modified alcohol, that those are not going to be regulated in five to ten years?“我告诉他们的是, 我不能保证, 因为环保局仍然倾向于消除溶剂.”

通过过渡到水清洗, manufacturers can mitigate the risk of future solvent regulations. While solvent alternatives may offer short-term solutions, the long-term outlook is uncertain. 水清洗提供了一个更安全、更可持续的选择.


Jayco的 转篮零件垫圈 offers several advantages over other solvent equipment options. 杰夫·比尔德解释道, “这两个过程之间真正的巨大差异, 如果你要比较它们, 零件的温度是否从工艺中出来. The parts coming out of the aqueous process are 94 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit at the skin temperature. So customers are able to handle those parts virtually immediately because the parts are not too hot to touch.”

This temperature advantage allows for quicker throughput and reduces the risk of heat affecting sensitive measurements. 另外, the compact footprint of Jayco的 equipment makes it ideal for facilities looking to optimize space and streamline their cleaning processes.


对水清洗用水的担忧是合理的, but Jayco的 equipment addresses these concerns through integrated oil removal and rinse water recycling systems. 杰夫·比尔德解释道, “假设油能够被直接劈开, 可以分开的油, and your life of your chemistries is going to be significant because we’re doing filtration and oil removal, 这大大延长了这些化学物质的寿命. 在漂洗方面, we can implement simple carbon ion exchange systems into the process and reuse rinse waters.”

By effectively managing oil removal and implementing water recycling systems, Jayco的 equipment minimizes water waste and maximizes the lifespan of the cleaning chemistries.


因为这里的风景 工业零件清洗 继续发展, aqueous cleaning is emerging as the preferred choice for manufacturers looking to mitigate risk, 减少对环境的影响, 优化他们的清洁过程. With ongoing advancements in chemistry and equipment technology, 水清洁的未来看起来很有希望, 提供更安全的, 更可持续的, 高效替代溶剂型清洁方法.









节选:见http://jaycoclean./ / 2024年2月 工业清洁的前景正在迅速变化, with increasing EPA regulations on solvents and a growing need for manufacturers to find alternative cleaning methods. Here is what parts cleaning experts Jeff Beard (Product and Business Development Manager for Jayco Cleaning Technologies) and Mike Valenti (Director of Cleaning Technologies for 哈伯德大厅) recommend you consider when looking at 蒸汽脱脂溶剂替代品.


如http://jaycoclean所示./ / 2024年2月

工业清洁的前景正在迅速变化, with increasing EPA regulations on solvents and a growing need for manufacturers to find alternative cleaning methods. Here is what parts cleaning experts Jeff Beard (Product and Business Development Manager for Jayco Cleaning Technologies) and Mike Valenti (Director of Cleaning Technologies for 哈伯德大厅) recommend you consider when looking at 蒸汽脱脂溶剂替代品.



When it comes to transitioning from solvent degreasing to aqueous cleaning, it’s crucial to understand that chemistry and equipment go hand in hand. Mike Valenti解释道, “有些问题我们可以用化学反应来解决, but the chemistry itself can’t compensate for all the properties you need to clean with aqueous solutions. 所以设备是你需要的等式的另一边, because you need different types of equipment to get the same result you’re getting with solvent in a degreaser today.”

Jeff Beard adds, “The chemistry and equipment today have to work together. 这是我们作为供应商的责任, 我们两家公司, to provide that knowledge and information to customers so that they understand why is this chemistry the best for my materials compatibility as well as soil removal? And then how is it going to operate in this washer that I’m looking at?”


Jayco的 转篮零件垫圈 is a prime example of the advancements in aqueous precision cleaning technology. 杰夫·比尔德解释道, “These systems today really are taking a lot of the standard technology that’s been used in equipment and combining it all into one system. 所以在一个系统内, 我们会喷, 我们确实有洪水, 我们用超声波浸泡或不浸泡, and then we add vacuum to that which we can use to enhance the cleaning and rinsing process as well as vacuum drying.”

This comprehensive system allows for effective cleaning of a broad range of soils, 包括3D打印部件. The vacuum component of the washer ensures a thorough cleaning process that surpasses the capabilities of standard immersion or spray washers.


When it comes to pairing chemistry with Jayco的 equipment, 哈伯德大厅 offers a range of 水性清洗液. Mike Valenti explains the criteria they consider when formulating these cleaners: “We want to put chemistry in there that’s got low hazards that can clean all metal types safely without attack. 我们希望能够分离土壤, so we want chemistries that help remove the soils from the cleaner bath. And because we are now counting on a lot more mechanical action to do the cleaning spray, 超声学, 洪水, 我们必须采用低泡沫型材.”

哈伯德大厅’s goal is to provide environmentally safe cleaners that are safe for workers and compatible with all metal types. 他们还优先考虑容易冲洗和无残留物的部分, particularly in industries like medical applications where residue can be detrimental.

水清洗vs. 蒸汽脱脂溶剂替代品

One of the key advantages of aqueous cleaning is its long-term viability compared to solvent alternatives. Mike Valenti highlights the uncertainty surrounding solvent regulations: “The day they ban water, 我们都有麻烦了. 所以当客户询问和打电话时,我们会告诉他们, 他们说, ‘Can you guarantee me that if I switch to an azeotrope solvent or a modified alcohol, that those are not going to be regulated in five to ten years?“我告诉他们的是, 我不能保证, 因为环保局仍然倾向于消除溶剂.”

通过过渡到水清洗, manufacturers can mitigate the risk of future solvent regulations. While solvent alternatives may offer short-term solutions, the long-term outlook is uncertain. 水清洗提供了一个更安全、更可持续的选择.


Jayco的 转篮零件垫圈 offers several advantages over other solvent equipment options. 杰夫·比尔德解释道, “这两个过程之间真正的巨大差异, 如果你要比较它们, 零件的温度是否从工艺中出来. The parts coming out of the aqueous process are 94 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit at the skin temperature. So customers are able to handle those parts virtually immediately because the parts are not too hot to touch.”

This temperature advantage allows for quicker throughput and reduces the risk of heat affecting sensitive measurements. 另外, the compact footprint of Jayco的 equipment makes it ideal for facilities looking to optimize space and streamline their cleaning processes.


对水清洗用水的担忧是合理的, but Jayco的 equipment addresses these concerns through integrated oil removal and rinse water recycling systems. 杰夫·比尔德解释道, “假设油能够被直接劈开, 可以分开的油, and your life of your chemistries is going to be significant because we’re doing filtration and oil removal, 这大大延长了这些化学物质的寿命. 在漂洗方面, we can implement simple carbon ion exchange systems into the process and reuse rinse waters.”

By effectively managing oil removal and implementing water recycling systems, Jayco的 equipment minimizes water waste and maximizes the lifespan of the cleaning chemistries.


因为这里的风景 工业零件清洗 继续发展, aqueous cleaning is emerging as the preferred choice for manufacturers looking to mitigate risk, 减少对环境的影响, 优化他们的清洁过程. With ongoing advancements in chemistry and equipment technology, 水清洁的未来看起来很有希望, 提供更安全的, 更可持续的, 高效替代溶剂型清洁方法.


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